Sanoop Thomas Organizer, BSides Singapore

Sanoop Thomas (@s4n7h0) is a seasoned security professional with diverse background in consulting, teaching, research and product-based industries with a passion to solve complex security problems. Today, Sanoop works as information security specialist focusing on application security and secure coding. His field of interest includes reverse engineering, malware analysis, application security and automating security pentest/analysis methodologies. He is moderating null open community chapter in Singapore and organised over 60 events and workshops to spread security awareness across country. Sanoop is the author and maintainer of Halcyon IDE project ( and also create infosec contents and podcasts at InfoSec Campus ( He has spoken at multiple international security conferences that includes Nullcon, OWASP India, HITBGSEC, Rootcon, Defcon (Demo Labs) and Blackhat Arsenal (USA and Asia)

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