Alibaba Security Meet Up



Opening Remarks – Jessie Zheng (CRO, Alibaba) & Alan Chan (CRO, Lazada)


Award ceremony for Lazada bug bounty & hacking game


New Bug Bounty Announcement

20:00-21:00 Anti-malicious traffic: A Protracted War – Thong Ngo (SecOps Senior Engineer, Lazada) &  Yan Mo (Senior Product Specialist, Alibaba )

Dealing with web attacks is a tough job that many organizations facing nowadays, it’s not only about DDoS Layer7 or Web Exploitation, but also Scraping/crawling data, cheaters, etc
In this session, we’ll go through some concepts of web attacks, then moving on to real-world case studies that we used to deal with and end up with how we came up with solutions against those attacks.


Location: BALLROOM 2 Date: August 29, 2019 Time: 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Alibaba Security Meet Up