2-DAY TECH TRAINING 2 – Cryptography & Cryptology

Early Bird (< 31st May): SGD1499

Normal (> 1st June): SGD1999

Seats Available: n/a


This course first presents the main concepts of modern cryptography, such as authentication, confidentiality and symmetric/asymmetric cryptography. Then it details the most essential cryptographic primitives.

Who Should Attend

Anyone interested in cryptography and wanting to learn its core principle is welcome. The course is designed as an introduction to cryptology and is mainly addressed to novices in that field.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Become aware and familiar with orders of magnitudes in computation (necessary to assess the level of security of a cryptographic scheme).
  • Make the difference between authentication and confidentiality and being able to recognize where each of these is needed.
  • Make the difference between symmetric and asymmetric cryptography (and unconditional vs. computational security).
  • Understand the security status of actually used cryptographic algorithms.
  • Understand how different cryptographic algorithms are combined to get a security protocol
  • Get familiar with widespread cryptographic tools.

Prerequisite Knowledge

Know how to use a command-line shell on a GNU/Linux distribution. Attendees should also have basic knowledge in a programming language.

Hardware / Software Requirements

Some practical work needs a computer: exercises are given initially in Python, but attendees may use any coding language to their convenience. It is advised to install the program SageMath, but not mandatory as there is an online version that can be used.


Day 1

* intro, historical crypto
* main notions: confidentiality and authentication, symmetric and asymmetric crypto
* symmetric crypto: stream and block ciphers, detailed algorithms, modes => exercises on different modes of aes (detection of ecb mode for example), different modes of aes with a null IV
* asymmetric crypto: RSA, El Gamal  => exercise: detail a public key certificate, practical work with sage to understand RSA

Day 2

* authentication of messages
* hash functions: modes, algorithms
* MAC  => exercises: different modes (ECB, CBC, …) used as MAC
* signatures: RSA, DSS => exercises: DSA with constant alea
* practical work with sage: elliptic curves

Location: InterContinental Date: August 23, 2016 Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Marion Videau